In a world where pornography is around every corner, how do we raise kids who don’t want to look? We do the best we can to keep pornography out of our homes with the best technology (such as Clean Router) and choosing media carefully, but our children still need to be prepared to reject sleazy content.
Terry Crews’ video series “Dirty Little Secrets,” is a great resource for anyone wanting to educate themselves or others about the dangers of pornography. His message also contains some great principles for protecting children from the lure of pornography. We’ve been discussing these principles in our “Porn-Proofing Your Kids With Terry Crews,” series, and this is the fourth installment. If you’ve missed parts one through three, you can read them here, here, and here. Caught up? Let’s talk about more porn-proofing principles.
1) Let other people own their actions
War veterans and other trauma survivors often cope with feelings of guilt after losing friends to violence. The survivors have no real culpability in their friends’ injury or death, but they feel that somehow they could have or should have saved their friends.
Spouses and other loved ones of pornography users can experience these same emotions. But just as soldiers bear no responsibility for their fallen friends, no one else is responsible for an individual’s pornography use. Only the individual can control his/her pornography use and break the addiction.
On the other side, some pornography users blame others for their self-destructive habits. Individuals who use pornography may have been grievously wronged by spouses, parents, or others. However, the actions of one do not force the actions of another. No one can be forced to watch pornography.
We need to teach our children to own their actions, and to let others own their actions as well. The devil didn’t make you do it, you chose to do it. While we all have a responsibility to treat others kindly and with respect, our actions do not cause another’s actions. We all have free will, and so we can all own our actions.
2) Change requires sacrifice
The popular saying is that insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. If you want to change, your behavior needs to change, and old ways need to go. This is a sacrifice; we established our routines for a reason. But the fact of the matter is that a new life requires new effort. Some recovering pornography users disconnect their home internet service. That is a sacrifice! But, it means that they cannot access pornography within the walls of their own home. Other people who are trying to break bad habits change their daily routine, develop new healthy habits, and otherwise force themselves out of their comfort zone.
There is power in knowing how to break a bad habit. Teach your children that change requires sacrifice.
3) Trust intuition
Nine times out of ten, we know when something is off. We might not be able to precisely articulate what is wrong with a situation, but those red flags of uneasiness and suspicion appear all the same. Unfortunately, we too often brush aside those internal warnings because we want everything to be ok. We don’t want it to be good to be true.
Parents, one of the most powerful lessons you can teach your children is to follow that gut feeling that says, “Something isn’t right here.” This habit will help your children avoid unhealthy relationships and dangerous situations, or heal something in themselves that is broken. In the “Dirty Little Secret” series, it was Terry’s wife Rebecca who uncovered Terry’s pornography addiction through her uneasiness and suspicion that something was wrong. Your children deserve to know the truth about themselves and others. Teaching them to trust their intuition will protect them from lies and deceit.
Are you loving our porn-proofing tips? Don’t forget to watch Terry Crews’ original videos here, and watch for part 5 of “Porn-Proofing Our Kids With Terry Crews” coming soon!
Ready to block all porn from your home?