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New and useful Clean Router content is posted on Facebook daily! Like our page to get the latest information on upcoming features, filtering tools, and usage tips for your Clean Router.
Blog Updates |
The Clean Router blog is your go-to source for important updates, information, and discussions about safe internet use for families. The blog is updated frequently so check back often!
Recent Postings |
- Tips for Fighting Internet Filth
- Block Porn Interest: A Proactive Parenting Plan
- Huffington Post: “The Internet Is For Porn”
- How Banning Screen Time Changed My Parenting Style
Upcoming Offers |
Clean Router is celebrating Thanksgiving early with an impressive offer! An email will be sent out next week that details how to take advantage of this special offer. Please pass on this offer to Family and Friends!
Submit a Feature Idea |
Have an idea that will improve Clean Router? Submit that idea or feature request here.
Spread the Word |
Clean Router is dedicated to providing parents the best possible tools for keeping pornography, violence, and other questionable content out of your home and away from your family. If you have family and friends who could benefit from using Clean Router, have them list your email under “Where did you hear about us?” when they subscribe, and we’ll send you a $20 Amazon gift card!