Let us redouble our efforts to protect our loved ones and our environment from the onslaught of pornography. Parents install alarms to warn if their household is threatened by smoke or carbon monoxide. Bars and bolts and electronic devices are installed against thieves and molesters. We should also install protections against spiritual threats, protections like filters on Internet connections.
The Clean Router allows parents to manage all of the devices in the house with one central control. It filters and manages everything connected to your home WiFi stopping Internet pornography. Click here to learn more: cleanrouter.com/features/
Sale of the router
1. Clean Router will provide the Affiliate with a link for tracking sales. This will be in the form of URLs, a banner ad, or square ad. The Affiliate may also create their own ad as long as it is approved by Clean Router.
2. When a user clicks on these URLs, it will then track their activity on our site. When an order is placed, it will tag the order with the Affiliate’s agentId that will be embedded in the URL provided in (1). Then each month the Recurring Monthly Revenue will also contain this agent Id. See RMR below for the payout to the Affiliate.
Recurring Monthly Revenue (RMR)
All RMR discussion is only for RMR’s of sales generated by the Reseller efforts directly. Sales not closed by the Reseller are sole property of Clean Router. The numbers listed below are for active monthly billing accounts (i.e. the number of Reseller accounts collected on that month.)
1. Clean Router will pay up to 25% (up to $5) of the RMR to the Reseller each month.
2. Clean Router will accumulate the pay until it reaches $100 per reseller and pay out the amount owed at that time.
3. Clean Router will pay the above agreement on paying RMRs for the length of 2 years from the date of sale.