Why Block Porn: You’ll Save Money

It’s true: if you block pornography from your home, you will save money. Here’s how…


1) You will have more control over your finances

There is a lot of free pornography out there. However, that porn is only free to lure you in. It’s kind of like the samples at Costco. Once you try some excellent cheese from the red and white table, it is hard to resist buying a great big cheese triangle.

To make matters worse, the free samples of porn only desensitize users. Over time, the free stuff will get boring, and the pornography user will want more. Porn addicts will be worse off, because they have a compulsive need to seek out more porn and more intense porn.

If you block porn from your house, you will have no compulsive desire to purchase pornography. That’s more money in your pocket!


2) You will have more time to make/save money

In today’s world, time is money, and money is time. By viewing pornography, a user is throwing both time and money away. Let’s say an individual views pornography for 15 minutes per day. That’s 105 minutes per week, 7.5 hours per month, and 91.25 hours per year! Maybe that doesn’t sounds like much to you. Think of it this way: even if you only made $12/hour, that’s $1,095.00 you are missing out on.

Can you afford to throw away over a thousand dollars?


3) It’s cheaper than a divorce

You might think this one is a stretch, but keep reading. A 2014 study found that people who consume pornography are more likely to have a positive view of extramarital relationships. In short, pornography warps an individual’s values, and so even an affair seems okay. And divorce attorneys are very, very expensive.


4) Your computers will last longer

Pornography sites are notorious for harboring viruses, malware, trojans, and all sorts of harmful bugs. By blocking even accidental access to pornography, you will protect ALL the pricey electronics in your home from infections and crashes. With Clean Router, you can pocket the $1,300 you would have had to spend on a new MacBook Pro.


With all these ways to save, the decision is a no-brainer! Purchase your Clean Router Pro today to protect your family and enjoy online peace of mind!


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