Teen porn use linked risky sexual behavior and substance use


Teens who view online pornography may be more likely to engage in risky behaviors, including substance use and sexual relationships with multiple partners.


At a health center in New York City, researchers asked 443 teens between the ages of twelve and twenty-two years old about their pornography use, sexual behaviors, and substance use during sex. Almost all (+85%) of those sampled were female, and the mean age was 18 years of age. The study’s participants who had viewed online pornography were more likely to have several sexual partners (and more than one partner in the last three months) and to have used alcohol or other substances during sex. These adolescents were also more likely to have more permissive attitudes about sex, agreeing with such statements as “Life would have fewer problems if we could have sex more freely,” and “It’s okay to have ongoing sexual relationships with more than one partner.” To read the study in full, click here.


Just as our physical diet greatly affects our physical health, the media we consume shapes our behavior and our attitudes about the world. Parents, online pornography will influence your teens. They will be less likely to believe that sex and commitment should go hand in hand, and they will be more likely to put their health and safety at risk. Online pornography is not just a hobby. Your teens have better things to do.


To read more about the effects of online pornography on families, marriages, and kids, click here!


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