Pornography Changes Who We Are

Does pornography change how people think about rape?


Researchers from Oklahoma State University surveyed the fraternity population of a midwestern public university about their porn viewing habits and attitudes about rape. The participants who viewed porn were less likely intervene in a rape situation, were more likely to believe myths about rape, and were even more likely to say they would commit rape if they could get away with it. You can read the original study here.


We hear a lot about rape culture in the media these days. We also read the media’s eager defense of pornography consumption. But how can we as a society eliminate sexual violence and condone the viewing of physical abuse and demeaning sexual acts for entertainment?


They say that we are what we eat. It stands to reason, then, the media we consume shapes our values and attitudes over time.


Statistics indicate that the average age of initial exposure to pornography is eleven years old. The average life expectancy in America is seventy eight years. What could six decades of exposure to violent sexual media do to one’s mind? To the way a person views the world? No wonder we have a rape culture problem!


For public safety, pornography must not have a place in our lives or in our homes. It eats away our desire to protect others and build relationships of trust and respect. Pornography leads us to excuse violence in others and doubt those whom need our help. Society’s rape culture problem is actually a porn problem.


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