Feature Friday: The best New Year’s resolution? Kick porn out!


The best New Year’s resolutions are those that benefit the whole family. This year, put “Block all pornography” on your list!


Clean Router makes it easy for parents to permit in their homes only the online content that will benefit their family. Our Intellifilter technology combs each web page for inappropriate content without compromising internet speed or functionality. Black, White, and Gray Lists allow users to block or allow websites individually, while the overall filters can be turned up or down according to preference. The Clean Router scheduling feature can even turn off the internet at mealtimes to promote family time and at bedtime to protect against any late-night online mischief.


Your most important New Year’s resolution can also be the easiest resolution! Block all pornography from your home today with Clean Router!


Ready to protect your home with Clean Router? Click here to get started!

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