Are you and your phone a little too close?
A recent poll featured in the New York Daily News suggests that you’re not alone. Check out these ten stats from the study and see how you stack up against the 1, 500 adults surveyed.
1) The average adult says he (or she) can be away from their phone for 16 hours before feeling “miserable.”
2) 4 in 10 adults admit to missing an important moment because of technology.
3) 41% of a study’s participants admitted to choosing a vacation destination to get pictures to enhance their social media profiles.
4) 24% of people have tripped/fallen/walked into something while staring at their phones.
5) 74% of adults are never farther than three feet away from their phone.
6) 47% of people wouldn’t go on a vacation without their phone.
7) 10% of one study’s participants would rather give up their friends than wi-fi.
8) 7% of the same people would give up their partner or spouse before wi-fi.
9) 35% of people admit to spending too much time on their phone, tablet, or laptop.
10) 20% of people surveyed had bumped into a person while staring at the phone.
Maybe it’s time for you and your phone to take a break. Learn more about how Clean Router puts you back in charge of your family’s screen time at!