
Feature Friday: Are you in the loop?

We know it’s hard to stay up to date on everything you need to know.

As soon as you figure out how to use MySpace, suddenly everyone is using Facebook. Then, as soon as you master Facebook, everyone is on Instagram.

As soon as you memorize all your daughter’s teachers’ names, summer comes. (Enjoy the break. There will be six new teachers before you know it.)

Here at Clean Router, we make it easy for you to stay in the loop. You can know every website accessed by every wi-fi capable device in your home.

How? You’ve got two options.

If you would like, we can send that summary straight to your inbox. Our nightly email will keep you informed of your Clean Router’s internet activity that day.

To receive nightly emails:

1) Visit

2) Click on “My Settings” at the top and enter your password.

3) From the menu on the left, select “Emailed Report.”

4) Slide the circle next to “Daily Email Log” to the right. The bar should be green.

5) Hit save.


Or, if you are trying to cut down on the number of emails in your inbox, you can view your Clean Router’s internet history for any day in “My Settings.”

To access the internet history online:

1) Visit

2) Click on “My Settings” at the top and enter your password.

3) From the menu on the left, select “Sites Visited.”

4) Find the desired date in the drop-down menu.

5) Peruse the websites listed at your convenience.


So don’t be left out of the loop! Let Clean Router update you on your family’s internet activity today!

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