Feature Friday: Go Incognito

Have you ever gone incognito? A cool costume, a funky hat, maybe even a fake mustache…. it’s a fun way to be someone else for a few hours.

Have you ever gone incognito online? Using an incognito tab can be a great way to keep personal things personal. No one wants underwear ads popping up everywhere after looking for pajamas on Amazon (True story).

But, incognito tabs can have nefarious purposes. And like any good parent, you want to monitor ALL your children’s internet activity– not just what they choose to show you.

Clean Router gives you the perks of incognito without the risks. Your incognito browsing still won’t leave cookies on your computer, but Clean Router will still filter your internet. Even better, all the pages your family visits will still be recorded in your Clean Router history and included in your nightly email.

This weekend, feel free to go incognito! Have you tried the mustache glasses yet?

For more information about how Clean Router can protect your family online, click here!

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