UK To Block Porn In April 2018

The UK has taken an unprecedented stand against online pornography! Recognizing the harmful effects of porn on children and teens, the Parliament of the United Kingdom has passed the Digital Economy Act 2017, anyone who wants to access a pornographic website to verify that he or she is legally an adult. Pornographic websites that do not use age verification regulators will be fined by the government and blocked by internet service providers.


Beyond pornographic websites, the government is still working out the kinks of enforcing the act on mainstream websites with explicit content. However, government officials are aware that pornographic content is not limited to the likes of PornHub and are working towards a solution.


Wired reports that critics of the Digital Economy Act 2017 will “fundamentally change the internet.” They’re right. This act is the first step toward transforming the internet from the new Wild West to digital civilization.


You can read more about the Digital Economy Act 2017 here or here.


Even if you live outside the UK, you can still block online pornography from your home!

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