
“The Spruce” Reviews Clean Router!


The Spruce, a home and family living blog, has reviewed Clean Router! The author of the review has been using Clean Router for years. His favorite aspects of Clean Router are the speed, the easy set-up, and the customizable filters. Read some excerpts from the review below!


“The Clean Router Wireless Router is an amazing tool for families interested in filtering web content and managing web access in their home to any wireless device. The system is cost-effective, extremely full-featured and very fast. With a wide range of options for any family, this filtered wireless router is a great addition to a home where there are a number of wired and wireless devices accessing the internet.”


“Its performance has been quite amazing. Setting up the router out of the box was really easy and very intuitive.  It is a pretty simple matter to connect your devices via Ethernet or wirelessly and get started.  Ours was up and operating in about 10 minutes.”


“Our experience has been nearly flawless and I recommend Clean Router to any family who wants to take control of the internet experience for their family on any wired or wireless devices you use.”


You can read the full review at The Spruce here. If you visit The Spruce, please note that the pricing information mentioned is out of date. To view Clean Router’s pricing models, click here!


Ready to protect your home and family with Clean Router? Click here to get started!


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