The Geek Church Reviews Clean Router!


Check out this review of Clean Router at The Geek Church!


“Just to let you know, I reviewed this particular device. Having hooked up routers already, it’s pretty easy as its just plugging it in with all the proper cables. Then all you need to do is hook it up and set up your Admin access and code words. Mine is…yeah, I’m not going to reveal that.

Needless to say, this is where I awkwardly admit that I had, as part of my job, the duty, no, the profession, to search the Internet for pornography. After doing a few searches, I clicked on them and got a screen that showed that I was blocked.

I could allow “Temporary Access” or “Permanent Access”. It is up to the administrator to enter the Admin code if you want to see the questionable material. In some cases, very questionable. Yeah, you’re going to get a lot of jokes like that in this review.

Needless to say, I saw that the Clean Router was able to block out anything porn-related.”


Techno Mark, writer at The Geek Church, also covered Clean Router’s subscription plans and mobile apps.


To read the full review, click here!

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