It’s so important to monitor your children’s online activity and protect them from online pornography. But between your job, housework, church work, extracurricular activities, date nights, exercise… who has the time?
And even when you do make the time, you sit down at the computer and….. what next? Check the internet history? What if they used an incognito tab? What if they deleted the history? Your kids surpassed your technological expertise at the age of six. Can you really keep up with them?
You buy a really expensive internet filter, but it’s a pain to install. It slows down your internet, it blocks perfectly innocent sites, and the filter is only on the desktop computer. The desktop computer, of course, happens to be the device your kids use LEAST often.
What’s a parent to do?
Clean Router is here to help. We believe that it should be easy to provide your family with a fun, safe online experience and to stay in the loop on your kids’ internet activity. That’s why Clean Router is one affordable system that covers all devices and installs in one easy step. If you are extra pressed for time, we will even email you daily reports on your family’s online activity!
Don’t let life get in the way of what truly matters. Order our latest model, Clean Router Pro, today, and purchase online peace of mind for your family.
To learn more about how Clean Router can help your family, click here!