Anglican Bishops Speak Out Against Pornography

The Anglican Church’s bishops are not pulling any punches when it comes to pornography.


Bishop of Chester, Dr. Peter Forster, says that in his experience, pornography too often leads to child pornography, which leads to sexual abuse of children. Quoting a recent study, Forster points out that 40% of teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 have suffered sexual abuse or coercion.


“The underlying problem with pornography is that, in particularly significant and sensitive areas of human life, it encourages people to view other people simply or primarily as objects to be used and discarded.”


The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Reverend Mike Hill, agreed with him and added, “There is a general anxiety in our society about pornography and its impact, not just on our children and young adults but also on adult behaviour. . .

“There seems to be an unwritten assumption, reinforced in the media, that, although it is fine to take action to protect children, adult use of pornography is not a legitimate public-policy concern, unless, of course, the material viewed is illegal. This position would be logical and defensible if pornography threatened adults with no harm; but I am not yet clear whether that is the case.”


This debate continues as the House of Lords discusses whether or not to continue nationwide filters to keep out internet pornography. To read the whole article at Church Times, click here.


To learn more about the dangers of pornography and how to keep your family and congregation safe online, click here!


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