Feature Friday: A new computer, not a new headache

The pristine packaging.

The sleek body.

The untouched screen.

The empty hard drive.

Don’t you just love that new computer feeling? The look, the feel, the speed are all so refreshing after the clunker you have been using.

The downside of a new computer, of course, is all the reinstallation. Microsoft Office, of course, is a staple of every computer. Transferring files is a must. Antivirus software is a given. And, of course, an internet filter. The whole process is more than enough to give you a headache. Isn’t there a way to just dive in and enjoy your new gadget?

Here at Clean Router, we believe that you are entitled to that new computer feeling without the hassle. That is why we have taken “internet filter” off your to-install list.

Our Clean Router contains everything you need to keep your new computer squeaky clean. There is no software to download, and nothing to install. If you are connected to your home’s wifi network, you’re ready to go!

Don’t let your new computer turn into a new headache. Visit Cleanrouter.com to protect your family, your home, and that new computer feeling.

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