
Why Block Porn: You want grandkids (someday)


Welcome to our first installment of the “Why Block Porn” series. Every so often, we want to remind why it’s so important to keep pornography out of your home.

Involvement with pornography has many insidious consequences, both short term and longterm.  But, this week we want to focus one particularly sad consequence of a son or daughter’s pornography involvement. Surprised? Here are three reasons why.


1) Pornography isolates.

Porn users want to be alone to look at porn. When they aren’t looking for porn, they just don’t want to interact with others. It might stem from a sense of shame, or ordinary guys/girls might not seem as attractive or exciting after watching pornography. Both are common results of using pornography. Either way, an isolated son or daughter is less likely to socialize, date, marry, and have a family. Which for you, the parent, means no grandbabies.


2) Pornography discourages monogamy.

This study, published earlier this year, suggests that some men today are using pornography as a substitute for marriage. Whether or not that is true, exposure to pornography can make an individual feel that a lifestyle of multiple sexual partners is more desirable and fulfilling than a monogamous relationship. Pornography can also seem easier because there’s no “give and take” like healthy relationships require. Once again, that’s no commitment, no marriage, and no grandbabies.


3) Pornography interferes with sexual function.

Those who view pornography report being less attracted to their partner afterwards. This personal account is one example. Additionally, the media has begun noting a new phenonmenon of erectile dysfunction in a younger population than ever before. This “epidemic” has been directly linked to porn use. No babymaking means no babies.

So, if you ever want to browse the baby section of Etsy, snuggle a baby you don’t have to feed at 2am, or pinch some new chubby cheeks….block that porn!


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