This review is another old one– you may notice that Rich refers to Clean Router by its former name, Pandora’s Hope. We love this review’s emphasis on Clean Router’s speed and flexibility!
“I noticed actually an increase in speed, as the router is newer than the one provided by Verizon FIOS and faster. It clearly worked and immediately began blocking some questionable sites and ads. The women in the house like Pinterest, and noticed some pictures blocked. These happened to be ads linked to Pinterest pins, which actually made the experience of Pinterest more valuable as they perused the site. I had to unblock a couple sites I use, such as Twitter. The filtering settings allow a Blacklist, but also Graylists and Whitelists. You can add and delete sites as well as add your own key words.”
“My conclusion is that I am a fan of Pandora’s Hope and recommend this type of approach for content filtering. If you have a small office, I can see this as a way to help focus you and your employees. As a parent, I know that our house is a safe place for us and whoever visits–that goes for us parents, too.”
You can read the full review here. If you choose to read the full review, keep in mind that the pricing information is out of date. You can view our current pricing model here.
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