SuperbCrew, a business news website covering innovative companies, featured an interview with Clean Router CEO Spencer Thomason! They covered Clean Router’s origin story (superhero style :D) and talked about why Clean Router stands out among competitors.
Here are our favorite parts of the interview:
How we’re unique
“Our competitors require you to install software on each device and jump through a bunch of hoops. The CleanRouter is very unique in that it’s an actual physical device – a wireless router. You simply plug it in, and it automatically protects all of the devices in your home.”
The shout-out to our awesome support team
“We have a great US-based support team ready to assist you with just about anything. Call, email, or use the live chat on our website – we’d love to hear from you!”
And the very first moments of Clean Router magic
“The first prototypes ended up working so well, I knew I had created something special. I just had to get these into the hands of families across the country.”
Read the full interview all in one solution!
Clean Router blocks porn and other adult content with cutting-edge parental controls technology. Our web content filtering is device-specific so parents can loosen the filters or opt-out completely. The settings are completely customizable to meet the needs of the family you have now AND the family you will have in five years. Why wait? Online peace of mind is only a few clicks away.
Ready to protect your family with Clean Router?
Order your Clean Router today!