This installment of our “Why Block Porn” series focuses on pornography’s impact on marriages and spouses.
Like smoking, pornography has the greatest impact on users. However, like secondhand smoke, people close to pornography users can be drastically affected. The user’s spouse in particular suffers intensely.
And yet, pornography users often think the only people they are only hurting themselves. Here are several reasons why “secondhand porn” is so destructive.
Porn ruins your spouse’s self-esteem
It’s bad enough that everywhere your wife looks she sees photoshopped bikini models, “Ten ways to keep him interested,” “Get rid of stretch marks overnight,” and “Lose 15 pounds in 5 days!” Now even her husband is fascinated with made-up, surgically enhanced, and digitally altered actresses.
Husbands are vulnerable as well. Pornography depicts unrealistic male bodies as well as physiologically impossible results. With all the pixelated fireworks, men often feel they can’t measure up.
Porn takes your spouse’s marriage
After watching pornography, viewers reported being less in love with their spouse than before. Spouses of porn addicts find that their loving, caring partner is replaced by a moody, secretive stranger. When your spouse realizes that his/her spouse’s feelings are waning, the intimacy and trust in that relationship decrease as well.
Porn attacks your spouse’s mental health
After learning their spouse has been viewing pornography, most spouses feel angry, hurt, and betrayed. But for some, the emotional effects continue and get stronger. Many spouses experience anxiety and depression. To make matters worse, they feel incredibly lonely as they feel they must keep their partner’s secret, so they have no one to turn to. Research shows a form of PTSD is common among the injured spouse when pornography or other forms of infidelity have damaged the marriage.
Regardless of what you may have thought, pornography is not a victimless habit. For the sake of your spouse (future or otherwise), please block pornography from your house.
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