An article in online magazine “Verily,” highlights the number one mistake we make when we talk to men (young and old about pornography)– expecting them to fail.
Written by Baleigh Scott, the article titled “Men Don’t Need Porn, And It’s Demeaning to Say They Do,” argues that we can and should expect men to refrain from looking at pornography. Yes, men are wired differently from women. And yes, most pornography is geared towards men. But at the end of the day, men (just like women) have their agency and can make the choice for themselves.
When we act like pornography has a supernatural hold over men, we deny them the opportunity to own their actions and the consequences of those actions. We deny men their humanity! For what truly separates humans from animals other than our ability to consciously choose for ourselves?
Addictions and dependencies are strong, it is true. However, those struggling with pornography use need our faith in their abilities along with professional help. They need to hear us say, “I know you can change, if you do what is necessary.”
Expecting or excusing male pornography use is a form of sexism. Believing men can shun pornography is empowering to both genders and lays the foundation for healthy marriages and families.
To read the original article at Verily, click here! It’s worth the read.