
About Fatherhood LOVES Clean Router!


Have you seen this fantastic Clean Router review at About Fatherhood?


“I can’t think of any parents I know who want to allow their children unbridled access to the Internet. Without careful parental monitoring and caution, kids can get exposed to all kinds of dangerous material on the Web from pornography to drug information to malicious software. And while many parents use parental control software on the computers in their home, smartphones and tablets and e-readers often have access to the Internet without going through these computer-based filters. The Clean Router offers an easy to administer solution to filtering the content of and managing access to the Internet for every wireless device connecting to your WiFi hotspot.”


“The Clean Router Wireless Router is an amazing tool for families interested in filtering web content and managing web access in their home to any wireless device. The system is cost-effective, extremely full-featured and very fast. With a wide range of options for any family, this filtered wireless router is a great addition to a home where there are a number of wired and wireless devices accessing the Internet.”


“We have loved our Clean Router. It has made the Internet experience a lot safer for our children, and it blocks content that we would rather not see as well. While it is a little pricier than similar wireless routers, the filtering and monitoring are quite robust and full-featured. Our experience has been nearly flawless and I recommend Clean Router to any family who wants to take control of the Internet experience for their family on any wired or wireless devices you use.”


Wow, thank you, About Fatherhood!


You can read the full review by clicking here.


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