
I can’t sign into the Clean Router remote login

The Clean Router remote access system ( utilizes the administrative
email address as well as the usual administrator password. Please try the following steps if you
have issues logging in:

  • Verify the email address and password match what is associated with your Clean Router
    account. (If you are unsure of what these should be, please contact our support team)
  • If it states that your password is wrong, please follow the steps in this video
  • If you own (or have owned) multiple Clean Routers, please try changing the email
    address associated with the Clean Router you are trying to access remotely. Currently,
    each Clean Router can only be associated with one unique email address. If multiple
    Clean Routers share the same email address, the remote system will not function
    correctly. You can also contact us if you believe you have a duplicate entry from an
    older Clean Router, and we can check that and remove the duplicate if so. (Please see
    the “User Information” page in our user manual for more info)
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